Hi Cliff--

It's "the best year of your life." Talk to Rob, Niel and others about living in Leavenworth. Some electives but a set curriculum. There are two versions of the masters program - both offer the MMAS (Master of Military Art & Science). The regular course MMAS takes 3 of your electives and requires a thesis. SAMS requires a second year, lots of reading, and 2 major research papers (40 pages each). My good friend, Dr. Bob Baumann, director of Grad Degree Programs, runs the MMAS and would be your best source of advice. Is there a particular reason why you want a second masters? From my experience, I have only found a couple of folk who got something significant out of second, third, etc masters. One was a Canadian exhange officer student at CGSC who already had a PhD from London School of Economics but wanted to write a book. He found the MMAS the perfect vehicle for that! I chaired his MMAS committee. He has now retired and is a civilian prof at Royal Military College of Canada where he proudly boasts of his MMAS on his CV. He also designed the very fine Canadian Forces College masters (their CGSC) along the lines of the regular Leavenworth MMAS. When I did their accreditation visit in 2006, I found their program to be even better than ours.

Anyway,PM me if you want more info.

