Steve is right: we've always planned to trade space for time - it worked for the Russians in WWII and it should have worked against them in the event of WWIII - until our NATO allies could get into motion.

JMM99, I also have no faith that successive governments will stick to the plan, nor am I holding my breath waiting for the current government to honour it's promises. Public support for the Afghanistan mission, or for new equipment to meet Forces needs, is tenuous at best; when budgets bring the military into competition with social programs, the military comes a distant second every time. An example of that battle is the deferral of construction of our new icebreakers - we won't get new toys if the ballet has to find corporate sponsors.

With respect to the composition of the future CF, I agree that the vast spaces, long coasts along three oceans, and an icebound archapelago should be considerations. If we are serious about asserting our sovereignty, we need to add the capacity to support ops across the littoral. A vessel that can transport troops, provide support for tactical and Chinook helicopters, and with the ability to land fighting and logistics vehicles, would not only suit our defense needs, but also allow us to project force in support of the national interest.