This article follows the recent arrest of Lt Chris Hasson, a serving U.S. Coast Guard officer. He allegedly was planning a mass-casualty attack in the U.S. and threatening to kill several politicans in the Democratic Party and left leaning journalists in main stream media (which frankly is most of them). He's a Lt, so probably young, but still an officer with some education and hopefully ability to think about the consequences of his planned actions. So what did he and these other whackos think would happen after their actual or planned attacks? Do they really believe their hoped for civil war and destruction it will cause better than the current situation? Manifestos existed long before the internet and social media, but I can't help that the disinformation on Facebook and Twitter is resulting in those with perhaps lesser capacity to think rationally to simply feed upon each others' anger to the point it results in extremism. This radicalization process amplified by Russia using bots and trolls to spread disinformation. Once you understand the outcome, the term weaponized information has more meaning. It nothing less than a form of warfare, if not an undeclared act of war.

The Dangerous Spread of Extremist Manifestos

It starts with,

Allegations against a Coast Guard lieutenant are a reminder that, by sharing the writings of terrorists, media outlets can amplify their impact.

Nearly eight years ago, the Norwegian extremist Anders Behring Breivik set the bar for what an individual terrorist could accomplish—detonating a truck bomb in Oslo that killed eight, then murdering 69 more, mostly teenagers, with semiautomatic weapons in another nearby location. All this was done in the name of a twisted ideology he had compiled largely from the internet, cobbled together into a sprawling, 1,518-page tract titled “2083: A European Declaration of Independence,” in which he raged against multiculturalism, liberalism, and Muslims, while describing his attack preparations in considerable detail.
And ends with,

All the journalistic restraint in the world will not stop killers from memorializing their actions, and it will not stop extremists from fixating on those memoirs. But the success of terrorism is measured largely by its reach. The horrific act of Anders Breivik propelled his intended meaning to a global audience, where it has found purchase. Less deadly acts of violence by Dylann Roof and Elliot Rodger have been elevated in the same way. We have only begun to suffer the cost of these writings, crafted with an intent no less lethal than their authors’ violent crimes. We must do better when we confront the next, inevitable outbreak.
For more on the Anders Breivik in Norway see the closed thread, Norway Attacks What Happened