is here. A PR re: its use in America's Army 3 is here, TeamSpeak 3 Voice Communication Software To Be Featured In America's Army 3.

Briefly, from latter link, re: company:

About TeamSpeak Systems, GmbH

Based in Murnau, Germany, TeamSpeak Systems GmbH develops cutting edge voice communication software and integrated solutions. The company is best known for its TeamSpeak line of products. TeamSpeak is quality, scalable software which enables people to speak with one another over the Internet. TeamSpeak is a client-server solution which also includes a robust, cross-platform (Windows/Linux/Mac) Software Development Kit (SDK). The TeamSpeak SDK enables full-featured voice integration within existing products or services, including online games, virtual worlds, educational programs, military simulators, or any application where up to thousands of users require crystal clear, simultaneous voice communication.
Being more than a bit familiar with the use of conference calls in both contested and non-contested legal matters, I lean more to Schmedlap's position.

With respect to legal matters, they work best where everyone already has a written frame of reference - the relevant documents and briefs. And, of course, someone has to moderate the conference and enforce basic ground rules (which in a contested proceeding are spelled out for us).

