A Canadian think tank report 'Ending the Agony: Seven Moves to Stabilize Afghanistan' written by Christopher Alexander, a former Canadian diplomat and was the Deputy Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary General in Afghanistan from December 2005 until May 2009.

This paper proposes seven policy initiatives designed to refocus Afghanistan’s domestic reform agenda, overcome post-electoral distrust, and lay the groundwork for a re-galvanized partnership or compact between the Afghan government and international Community.

1. Hold Credible Elections
2. Plan Together
3. Renew the Public Service
4. Empower the Provinces
5. Reintegrate the Taliban Base
6. End Interference
7. Attack Impunity

Laudable aims and from a civilian "boot" on the ground, OK in Kabul, worth a read IMHO. Sadly the latest antics in Kabul over the Election Commission changes do not augur well for anyone in Kabul to listen and take any such action.

Does the current 'new' McCrystal strategy match such aims?