Unfortunately for them the spirit of our time is "Joint" not "autonomy" and that is how this conflict will deport itself. Similarly, many Tactical/Opnl level ldrs feel that they should have more autonomy in missions due to possessing more direct combat experience than their strategic level superiors. I feel that would never actually happen due mostly to human nature.

Significantly, although somewhat unrelated, I fear the dissolution of the Marine Corps is more likely now than ever (vis-a-vis US Administration possible desire to re-consolidate DOD as a single command with a civilian counter department they've called "Civilian defense force" with mandatory service for all, equal funding & weapons etc.) Correct me if I'm wrong; this proposal is tabled pending overturn of a Clinton EO, which can be over-turned by any President at any time.

I totally disagree with such an idea but I see the UK basically doing the same thing in eliminating the regimental histories of so many great units.