Ex-U.S. Congressman Falls for Mafia Scam, by Nikolaus von Twickel. The Moscow Times, 13 April 2010.

Mobster POW scam took LI pol for 18G, New York Post, April 9, 2010.
A mobster pleaded guilty yesterday to a bizarre scheme to defraud a former Long Island congressman out of $18,500 in exchange for bogus information about Vietnam POWs.

Charles Guiga, 38, admitted that within the last year he'd sent letters supposedly written by a Russian mobster and giving the locations of 75 prisoners of war supposedly being held in the former Soviet republic of Belarus.

But the letters to one-term GOP Rep. John LeBoutillier were in actuality the scribblings of imprisoned Colombo crime-family captain Frank "Frankie Blue Eyes" Sparaco.