It's no exaggeration to say that we should count ourselves lucky if human civilization simply still exists when Trump leaves office.
AFTER a Trump twitter rant yesterday...we learn he was angry and tweeting based on a fake news site driven by a 16 year old and this is the next President driving US FP.....
QUOTE from a leading journalist when he saw the Trump twitter rant.....
holy f$&! So, the burden of proof is on reporters to prove the sxxxxxt Trump makes up is really made up? Insane.
We as a nation are in serious trouble when a President is in an altered state of reality about the real world around him....
BACK to my previous posting.....DID everyone notice the elegant shift from the weekend MSM carrying articles about the Trump businesses actually potentially dictating his FP.....SUDDENLY two twitter rants later the entire US MSM news cycle is diverted from his business....WHEN the business articles were actually about the statement....."capitalism is more important than democracy"....
Russian propaganda has 6Ds to be effective.....Distort...Dismiss....Distract....Def lect...ALL designed to create Doubt and Distrust.....NOW which did Trump use to Deflect the increasing questions about his business ties and US FP?????
Think about it....