Quote Originally Posted by 120mm View Post
I know that every time I hear the phrase "warrior ethos" I want to puke and claw out my eyes.

I'm the kind of guy who is going to die early of being a "type A" personality. I mean, I really, really love fighting. I have since I was a little kid. It has hamstrung both my military and my civilian career(s). So when a guy with a $40 haircut and manicured nails starts talking about "warrior ethos" my blood pressure starts to spike. (I'm not talking about anyone in particular, just generalizing.)

But... having said that, we have some really, really smart killers out there wearing O-3 through O-10 rank whom I respect and am in awe of. Does the Army promotion system have some issues? Yes. But the things we call "bull####" (and are more the exception than the rule) in the military are multiplied 1000-fold in the civilian "leadership" world.
Ok, so "warrior ethos" seems to be a buzz word used by, "a guy with a $40 haircut and manicured nails" it also is being pushed by drill sgts in basic and AIT. the newbies coming fresh out of school are being trained to live by this. The unit that replaced us in Tikrit had a 35-40% population of E-1 - E-3's. They were gung-ho, without any real-world experience. Still, they had the mission in their hearts, and good leadership. THAT above all else, is what matters. Those kids will grow to understand the real meaning of "warrior ethos"
I have met some really good officers, aaand some NOT SO good ones. just like with any work force, good leaders are made, not born.