The resistance against Gay service men and women comes from an abhorrence of their sexual practices or from a banning under the authority of religious texts. Gay personnel serve their country and lay down their lives for the survival of their country, they therefore deserve maximum consideration.

The Religious objection:
For those who serve, whose religion is one of their main drives and whose religion bans homosexuality, not much can be done about making concessions to their colleagues who may be homosexual. It could be pointed out from the scholar's perspective, that scriptures were written in ancient times under ancient standards which make no allowance for modern life or modern medicine. Nowadays, in general, the Churches are trying to be considerate and loving to one another, not like the old days when they were the driving force to slaughter each other, including children and including tortures that are banned today by all civil governments and peoples. Under this modern ethical principle, an allowance can be made for homosexuals to be tolerated or befriended as they would be as practitioners of another religion. All civil religions disagree on many points of belief, but agree on the one overriding principle of being friendly to neighbors who are different from you.

The Sexual Objection:
Sexual practices vary widely, not only between different cultures, but also within them. The overriding principles are that sex must be between consenting adults (not children), and that no real harm must be done to a partner. So an accepted spank might be OK, but not a bashing with physical damage.

Also hygiene is very important as the health of a partner (indeed the whole community) depends on this. HIV and hepatitis for instance are rampant and must be completely contained. HIV being transmitted of course not only by some male homosexual (or heterosexual) practices, such as unsafe sex with anal intercourse. I understand that HIV first spread by eating infected monkeys or apes (who had at least partial immunity). So there are many medical safety procedures to be followed: No eating infected flesh (there is also mad cows' disease); no sharing of drug needles; checking donated blood; no unprotected anal intercourse (also no aspirin to those foolish enough to practice that unprotected practice); no unsafe sex (especially amongst naive minors) for adults unless cleared by medical checkup and fidelity; and no administering of First Aid without gloves (if possible). Condoms, like gloves, are not perfect, but can save many lives, lives shortened or lives diseased and miserable. In regard to Personal Defensive Tactics, for law enforcement, security officers, military combatants and self defense: Beware of the infection dangers of biting (both giving and receiving); same dangers in striking the teeth with fist or a headbutt (avoid).

Sexual Approaches:
Sex is (normally) a deepest form of intimacy, of touching body and soul. If abused it is criminal and the damage can be to the body -- which may be temporary; or to the mind -- which may be permanent. So long as homosexuals do not abuse each other, have consent and hygiene, there should be not much to be concerned about. However, the abhorrence that quite a few heterosexuals feel about homosexual practices may be irritated by their Fear that a homosexual will approach them with an offer to engage in a homosexual act. Thus results a confrontation of personal intimate choices.

Homosexual personal controls extend from not damaging each other, to also not imposing themselves on heterosexual persons, as that can result in conflict and aggression. For that to work in practice, I would say that it would be helpful if homosexual military personal (for instance) had some means of identifying others of like kind that was definite and without misinterpretation, possibly visual. I don't mean wear a pink armband, but perhaps homosexuals could themselves consider the matter and come up with some suitable, maybe subtle, agreed sign, especially when the peaceful cohesiveness of a combat group may be at stake. Basically, what needs to be got around, is the aversion of heterosexuals to being approached by homosexuals in a homosexual way: as they take it as a challenge to the 'normality' of their own sexuality (which maybe it is). Some (maybe many) persons are bi-sexual or are uncertain of their sexuality and cannot handle it being put to the test. Some persons are afraid of sex (of any kind) as they are, when in the act, vulnerable and afraid of being abused, hurt or dominated by another stronger personality. It is not unheard of; and sexual abuse is a vital part of many of the tragedies of human relationships. Sex can be pleasant of course, but it is also a touchy vulnerability communication issue and practical processes need to be put in place to protect the varying and volatile sensitivities of people. Where there is not even physical but there is mentally perceived violating, violent reactions ensue.