Quote Originally Posted by jcustis View Post
Outside of a few spectacular successes along Route 1 that have garnered more media hype than had actual effect, the TB aren't very good at targeting the logistical tail. These are not your Daddy's mujahadeen.

And, at least for the USMC, logistical support convoys aren't a drain on combat formations. The CSS guys (and gals) do it themselves.

To get back to the original thrust of this poster's question (and BTW, I think we missed the fact that he has not resurfaced with any more input), if not the MRAP in future war, what is the alternative?
Glad to see that we can expand our discussion back to the "tail". That is where the biggest bang for the buck is Sorry, could not help myself.

Seesm to be general agreement that the current crop of MRAPs/M-ATVs are something less then ideal troop carriers out at the sharp end of the stick.

However, back in the "rear" where the MSRs live its another story. Not alot of stelly eyed killers (With a nod to our Marine breathen, who appear to be able to self-defend their convoys/Combat Logistic Patrols). For several years now, the Army has been deploying National Guard BCTs for the sole purpose of MSR security/convoy escort.

If that remains the case, then this maybe the best place for MRAPs to operate, in the rear along the MSRs. If not as equipment in mission profiled BCTs then as attachements or plus-ups to either MP companies, truck companies or both.