Quote Originally Posted by 120mm View Post
That's not my point at all. A large portion of the world believes in treating women like property, tribalism and revenge/honor killings. They also believe in a form of conservatism that values chastity, among other things.

The "communications revolution" combined with the amoral (anti-moral?) content being imported into their cultures whether they want it or not, is destroying their culture.

In effect, the corrosive effect of Britney Spears and Animal Sex on the internet, available 24/7 is damaging to their culture. And while they consume it willingly, I don't think they believe that it is willing consumption.

My point is not that I don't think that the US is imperial. I don't think we KNOW that we are imperial.

And as far as wanting "our side" to win, no, I don't want my head sawed off with a rusty knife, and I don't want my wife put into a sack and stoned to death. THAT is what I call Primitive Behavior.

I would be willing to let folks in the part of the world (that is undefinable, because the Definition Nazis on the board will jump all over me) "just live their lives", but that is not the nature of humanity.
They don’t care what you posting or watching on Internet… One just DOESN’T need to look of it and he will not see it. That’s not problem. Problem is when “your” culture, values and rules are FORCED on “theirs”. Simple.

You say it’s not “nature of humanity” to let others "just live their lives"!? Did I understand you well here?

Once again… Beheading, full covering of woman, stoning are customs of SOME people/tribes/sects and not part of real Islamic thought and culture.

Same like one would say that random killings of kids in schools, sexslavery and prostitution, racism, etc is not part of real “western culture”. One would say it is part of collective Primitive Behavior.

I dare to say, there is no difference between “western” or “eastern” Primitivism.