Quote Originally Posted by SN100682136 View Post
I am an undergrad student at Carleton University, presently working on the design of an Interdisciplinary program in failed state reconstruction with a specialisation in counter-insurgency. I am currently seeking a 4 to 12 month student internship program in provincial reconstruction team in Afghanistan or Iraq. If you know of such a program please contact me.

Thank you
Yannick LePage
With all due respect, I do not think we should have students going to work on PRTs. This is not like training with industry or doing internships in rural areas. It is not the peace corps. These PRTs are in a combat environment in harm's way every day. If I were a commander of a PRT I would not want a student joining the team. While I have no doubt that you would be hard worker and would do your best to contribute, PRTs need experienced professionals to accomplish the mission. The environment is not one where we can have the luxury of teaching and mentoring an intern.
Sorry for the harsh words as I know your intentions are good and I truly applaud your desire and hope that after you finish school you join the foreign service or the military. But this is my personal opinion.
