Quote Originally Posted by Polarbear1605 View Post
“Pump-up friction via negative factors to breed fear, anxiety, and alienation in order to generate many non-cooperative centers of gravity, as well as subvert those that adversary depends upon, thereby sever moral bonds that permit adversary to exist as an organic whole.
build-up and play counterweights against negative factors to diminish internal friction, as well as surface courage, confidence, and esprit, thereby make possible the human interactions needed to create moral bonds that permit us, as an organic whole, to shape and adapt to change.”
I think part of the problem in understanding Boyd is he stays at the abstract level and dosen't give to many concrete examples. As an example I just saw on the news that a survey was conducted in A'stan that said over 90% of the population had no idea that we invaded A'stan because of their association with AQ and the 911 attacks. I think that is a moral failure on our part (US) for not making that clear to the population and that undermines our legitamcy in their eyes, we just seem like foriegn invaders.