I understand about the over-reliance on equipment, and I know that equipment never won a war. I have had discussions with others on the need for tactical solutions to snipers and other threats, one such solution being the sensible and even brilliant one of satellite patrols. But tactics are not a complete answer either. And just because body armor cannot solve everything, tactics can't, and [fill in the blank here for other things that will not be a complete solution]. But this truth is not a reason for not trying to field the best equipment. If a SAPI plate saves a single life (and they have saved many), then it makes sense to wear them. And if the Dragon Skin body armor is better than the MTV, then we should be pushing it. Similarly, while this new vehicle is still probably susceptible to being picked up and thrown around by a large IED (just like the Abrams are), if it can withstand some of the IEDs that HMMWVs cannot, then we should be pushing it. I don't think we can see things in absolute terms here. It is a matter of degrees and doing the best we can. No?