I don't know Stan, I am interested in the area but I only really know a little about the DRC. So take the following with that grain of salt.

If RSA can ever get the crime under control I would go with that. Maybe the crime is overstated in my mind though. It will be interesting to see what happens when Mandela dies.

People I talked to always expressed amazement at Rwanda, especially as it sits right next to DRC. The question is I guess, what will Kagame do as he gets older and how will that affect things.

As far as the DRC goes, which one? Kinshasa area and Lubumbashi are a world apart from the rest and when I was there they seemed extremely energetic at least. At least in most of the DRC the situation is better than Zim so that is an accomplishment of some kind.

I don't know...which is why I asked.