Posted by Bob's World,

Given the realities of our own border security efforts we are already more like them than we care to admit, and the hypocrisy is not lost on many. We really need to evolve in our definitions of what "success" looks like, as our current metrics don't fare well under the harsh light of day.

Just an observation and a dynamic that I find interesting.
Our borders are as secure as they need to be in general. Afghanistan's isn't. Striving for perfection is a goal that I hope we never achieve in our country because we'll be in a permanent police state if we do, but we need the ability to surge security during an emergency and we have that. That is legitimacy, something you're generally pushing except when you make counter points about your own arguments. It really doesn't matter to our national security if a few thousand illegals come into the U.S. to work.

On the other hand we need the intelligence and means to stop the cartels from coming across. Read my comments carefully, I didn't say to focus on every person crossing the border illegally. Some things simply aren't important, you want to narrow your efforts on what is perceived as a threat to your State (our mission is still focused on Afghanistan the State, not Afghanistan the place with no borders, no government, no economy, etc.). Borders were not invented in the West, but unfortunately the West is responsible for drawing some very illogical borders. That is two separate things.

It took time, but when the drug trade was identified as a threat (depending on your point of view) to national security we significantly enhanced our ability to slow that trade down over time (it won't happen tomorrow), without stopping Mexican families from coming across to .

Target your border security on specific threats.

I think we have done a good job of keeping most undesirables out with our watch list also. Again no system is perfect, but to simply throw your hands up and pretend this that Afghanistan is practicing an advanced stage of globalism is defeatism. I'm getting concerned because you're starting to sound like a typical mainland European. They're always come up with some pseudointellectual rubbish as an excuse on why something can't be done. 99% of their execuses don't stand up to cross examination.

You're a lawyer man, tighten up on your arguments!