Quote Originally Posted by Ken White View Post
As I understand it, the term Battlespace Owner means that a Commander has been given effective total command -- with some exceptions -- over everything and everyone who enters, crosses or operates in a specified geographical area.

The control is total except for some SOF elements / missions and occasional other exceptions, a Battlespace Owner thus can dictate how units in his area not directly subordinate to him can or cannot operate.
I don't think this is completely accurate, and I also thought that whoever owned an AO has always been responsible for it.

Some examples:

1- If you are assigned an AO, you should know who is moving in that AO? So units transiting that AO should check in with your TOC (operations center of whatever type) when the enter and leave. This helps prevent fratricide, aids in battle tracking, and assists the moving unit in case it needs QRF, etc.

2- If you are responsible for the reconstruction of an AO, you should have a hand in ALL projects in that AO, right? I've seen logistics units attempting to implement CA projects along their routes- to me, this is totally backa$$wards- and the responsibility of the unit in charge of the AO.

I guess that I am of the opinion that the more control we give to the guy that is in the AO day-in/day-out, and responsible for what happens there, the better. Letting transient units, of whatever type (logistics, SOF, whatever) operate without coordinating with the guy in charge seems like a bad thing to me.