I know that the topic of language training has been a topic discussed mainly in passing on SWJ but my interetst lies in whether we have got it right yet? I'm very interested to hear what members have to say on this issue.
Language and cultural training are often linked, and for very good reason, with a number of companies developing technical solutions for both (Alelo as just one example, as advocated by our colleague Nicolls in here!); but are these technical methodologies the best? Is there any real substitute for being taught from a warm blooded native speaker of a language?
NATO STANG 6001 suggests that we [NATO] should adhere to developing language capability in terms of an individual's ability to listen, speak, read and write; scoring each out of 4. Whilst this categorisation seems to work, has anyone heard of, or even been exposed to, another method or categorisation of assessing linguistic ability?
A lot of question I know, with many more to follow (like linking linguistic capability to pay) but for now, I'd be very keen to see what you have to say here in the SWJ.
Good luck and stay safe all.