Quote Originally Posted by IntelTrooper View Post
I don't know how relevant to the discussion this is, or whether it will change any opinions, but a couple weeks ago here on the Monterey Peninsula we had a captain (non-Navy type) who managed to discharge his concealed, personal weapon in class. Thankfully, no one was hurt.

If something were to be instituted, I don't think rank, age, or time in service would necessarily be good criteria for determining whether someone is allowed to carry on post. We've had Canadian Major General have a multiple negligent discharges in theater so it's not a 100% guarantee. I think some key positions other than MP should probably be armed for the sake of security and I don't think it's something that everyone should be able to do.

For every weapon introduced on post you're increasing the potential for an incident and that is something that should be reasonably mitigated against, but as some have mentioned there are also advantages and those should be weighed in as well.
Agree competence, not rank, is the more important critieria. But I think there is the assumption on the part of some that if one is not an MP/LEO they are automatically either or both incompetent or untrustworthy when it comes to firearms. That is both wrong and unamerican IMHO.

RE: incidents. I propose it would take an awful lot of ND incidents to rack up the total of 13 dead and 40 wounded that happened at Fort Hood in 10 minutes in NOV 2009 (even in Redneck areas )