Quote Originally Posted by Stan View Post
This one bugs me a bit. How do we claim to stay neutral in all this after we shoot aircraft down over a sovereign country?
At that point we wouldn't be neutral any more... but since Obama has already come out with "Gadhafi should go", that's already the case. It wouldn't really be about the military impact, more a matter of a visible action that would convince the remaining armed supporters that it's time to bail. Certainly we don't want to be seen supporting any opposition faction, but since we've already declared that we think he should go, a concrete step in that direction would not be inconsistent.

Quote Originally Posted by Stan View Post
Seems cheaper and very doable. Say 50K for him dead or alive
I doubt that he'd let any of the mercenaries into a position to take advantage of that offer. He's crazy, but he's not completely stupid and there's no paranoia deficit there.