Quote Originally Posted by Stan View Post
Dude, this is a stretch, even for you

This is impressive though...

Now why would a rational person even say Sierra like that?

Not sure about the latter

Heh, he even tried to compare concealed carry rights to those States that recognize drivers' licenses and carry permits held by armored car guards.

Since we probably will never get Germany to approve Florida State carry permits in Frankfurt while riding on buses Maybe we could get the Air Farce to participate in better force protection measures instead of piling onto buses, relatively on time, altercations with strange folks, etc.

Agreed on Germany recognizing U.S. CCWs. and I don't know anything about this shooting beyond the NYT piece. Should U.S.A.F.s crews carry (issue .gov) handguns? Probably be tough to get the countries they're traveling to to OK it. Seems like the European approach to violent crime is self defense is a no-go; better to be a compliant victim.