Quote Originally Posted by pvebber
OK, given the political endstate I described, what are the associated military obectives?
Kill Qaddafi and his inner circle,destroy or seize his personal assets and those of his inner circle. Do not attack the public in general or damage public assets.

Quote Originally Posted by pvebber
OK, so how do we get the information we need to make one? since they "They use secrecy,subversion,deception to hide what and where they are." Is this a national intelligence function or a military intelligence function?
Yes, National,Military and any other Intelligence source you can find.

Quote Originally Posted by pvebber
How do we know when we have enough to start doing some o that thar 'affectin' ?
Depends on the final effect you want to achieve.

Quote Originally Posted by pvebber
Hmmmm so if we are not going to actully moel system, how is it we are using systems theory to figure out what shold be on our list? The whole thing about a systems theory approach that Warden leverages is that if you understand the system holisitcally, you can "find the flaw in the deathstar".

However, if you don't have the plans to the deathstar how do you find the single point of failure vent to drop your photon torpedo down?
Just like the movie...remember somebody (intelligence source) gave them the blueprint for the deathstar.

Quote Originally Posted by pvebber
How do you know how to prioritize what goes on the list or "what they need to operate the system" without a model of this system to tell you what the CoGs are?
I would suggest you start with yourself. Make a list of what you need to operate, a five rings model of yourself. Now what would happen if one or more of the inputs were eliminated. For prioritizing I like C.A.R.V.E.R. myself. How Critical,Accessible,Recognizable,Vulnerable,Effect on people,Recuperable is the the target.

Quote Originally Posted by pvebber
As far a the posted map goes, from what I've seen of these things, that is a REALLY simple one. Each of those little text boxes would have a map of similar complexity inside it, and similarly complex maps inside many of those. Wardens paper discusses a ROM of 1000 targets to affect the CoGs, out of "a whole list" that would number in the 10s if not 100s of thousands inthe case of a major power.
Warden would call that a fractal analysis.....going from a broad concept to the perceptual concrete level of a physical target to affect. You can do that with the same 5rings model, you don't need to use the spaghetti map.

Quote Originally Posted by pvebber
For Libya it would be perhaps an order of magnitude less, but you are still looking for 100s of target among perhaps 5-10 CoGs out of a potential target list of 1000s of items.
I think you would be surprised just how much of that spade work has already been done.