Certainly many of those things tend to happen in some degree or order. But not all, and certainly not in some prescriptive checklist.

But there is a solid thread running through this:

Government policies and their implementation lead to growing discontent and perceptions of hopelessness within significant elements of society.

At some point a tipping point is reached, and the populace acts out illegally to challenge the government.

Depending on the openness of the society this reaction may grow slowly and develop a growing organization and influence to compete with government, or it may explode all at once in a disorganized mob to challenge government.

Opportunists from both within and without the populace will intervene to seek opportunities to support their interests. Some to support the government, some to support the populace.

The populace is the matrix this all occurs within, and is both the parent and the child of the government as well as the rebel. The majority of the populace will likely remain neutral unless dragged in by one side or the other, hedging their bets where opportunity allows.

Regardless of if a slow building organized revolt or a rapid disorganized revolt occurs, there will be chaos, lawlessness, retributions, economic disruption, and hardships for at least a generation until a new stability can evolve from the conflict.