Quote Originally Posted by Ken White View Post
Acerbic responses are okay, those that dip into condescension and dismissiveness are approaching a degree of incivility that is not necessary. You are a valuable contributor and have proven you can be civil and not scathingly caustic. The "(snip)" bit is unnecessary, just don't comment -- but then, you know all that...
I'll tell you what I have learned around here and that is just how thin skinned this selection of Americans are. Very strange in a predominantly military group. The use of "snip" is generally used out here on the internet to reduce repeats of long passages in quoted pieces. Also if you wish only to reply to or comment on a specific section of a post. Thin skinned people may take the action as a slight but mature and emotionally balanced people don't. If I ever want to be rude I will be in-your-face rude, I promise.

To clarify, the US law is that a head of state cannot be targeted outside his own country. (LINK .pdf -- see .pdf page 40, document page 35)

[shortened... rather than snipped]

Heads of state are fair game but there are minor rules. Governments are bureaucracies, after all. We may be dumb in spots but we are not stupid and in an existential case, rules go by the wayside. Essentially, the effect must be worth the cost. I'd also note that France (among others) can for a variety of reasons do things the US tends to catch an excessive amount of often ignorant flack for doing...
Is Gaddafi outside Libya right now? Is Gbagbo still considered the Head of State?

OK so pass the message under the table to the French that their leadership in this matter (Gaddafi and Gbagbo) would be appreciated, yes?