Quote Originally Posted by AdamG View Post
Somehow, not surprising, particularly for anyone who remembers how the Battle of Mogadishu was going to be buried until
Mark Bowden started researching it.
I have no idea where you got the idea that Mogadishu was or was going to be 'buried' but that is simply not correct.

There was much discussion of the action within the Army, worldwide and most people understood both the political and the military problems -- and the political and the military screwups. I'm not going to waste time culling DoD press releases but there were many and most were pretty accurate other then not directly criticizing the President, the SecDef or senior FlagOs involved -- bad in a way but to be expected. IIRC, they made no bones about the flawed JSOC plan or 3d Ranger Bn screwups.

The Washington Post had fairly detailed coverage at the time LINK.

Time magazine (LINK) in Ocotober of 1993 -- four years before the Philadelphia Inquirer began publishing Bowden articles on the action and before Bowden's book. It was and is a good book and it added detail but it didn't break any news...

Rick Atkinson, BTW, had articles in the Washington Post in early 1994. PBS Frontline had extensive coverage in '95 (and even more in '98).

It wasn't buried, when 41 Silver Stars and a bunch of higher level decorations including two Medals of Honor are handed out and videos of downed US pilots being drug through the streets go viral worldwide, you can't bury much...

No, it wasn't buried -- that no one apparently learned much from the well publicized debacle is the crime...