Ridicule as a Tool for IO/PSYOPS in Afghanistan

I would separate this article above for a more deliberate review at the upper levels of the chain of command, but there are some concepts that go a long way towards explaining why Afghan men do what they do.

It is pretty lame that even though I am required to use my CAC card to get to a sharepoint portal page that appears to support Afghanistan mission prep training, it is very thin on resources, and the ones I did find came after significant digging. Not intuitive at all.

I was able to find your mention
Afghanistan: Operational Culture for Deploying Personnel, published back in May '09.
Ted, but that is not the booklet I remember. It is specifically about using Pashtunwali offensively, and that may even be the title. I looked in my deployer bag, and I think I left that one behind for my replacement, since he had never seen it.

Granitestate, like I said before, the S-2 section should be able to get it for you. I just cannot provide the title or publication number at this point. Look for anything titled: Operational Pashtunwali, and with a front cover pic of Afghan elders sitting and looking over their shoulder at the photog. I think I remember it to be spiral bound as opposed to a fold-out like most culture cards. It will have a section that mentions specific Pashto Pashtunwali terms and expressions, and makes liberal mention of the concept of shame, how men use subtle teasing to bring breakers of the code back into line, and the lengths a Pashtun male will go to in order to restore honor. It is an excellent tool because it will help the Marines understand that lying, when set in the Afghan context of shame and honor, has a totally different significance than what we in the West hold.

Additionally, I had the blog page bookmarked after all:

Chai and the Pashtunwali