Quote Originally Posted by carl View Post

This is just one little point but which is closer to India, China, Indonesia, Thailand and the eastern central Asian 'stans? Afghanistan is. And which countries are likely to be more important in the next 50 years, the countries named above, or Hungary and the Crimea? In my view the countries in the east. Afghanistan is well located.

What does a kitten died mean?
Quote Originally Posted by Fuchs View Post
The centre of gravity is the earth core.

There's no geostrategic centre of gravity, just especially interesting spots/regions.
Quote Originally Posted by Ray View Post
Your theory on Turkey being the centre of gravity does not gel.
AFG may be closer, but it's not useful.

The relation between Indonesian and Thailand on the one hand and AFG on the other is basically nil.

China has a few kilometres border with AFG, but that means pretty much nothing. It's the empty end of China.
India is behind Pakistan. Effect from AFG on India - nil.