Nice link David.
Speaking however of movie themes, I believe the history of what most call "Africa's World War" has a slightly different twist regarding Kitona and the RPA. While the Zairians viewed the Bas Zaire Province as something of strategic significance (oil, a port and a hydroelectric power dam), little worked even in 1990. There was no oil, the Port of Matadi was a den of thieves, Kitona tower couldn't be raised any day of the week, and the Shaba electric dam routinely shut down for up to 8 hours a day due to lack of skilled maintenance personnel (previously handled under a USG contract) and frequent outages.

The former Zairian soldiers at Kitona were literally exiled there for "retraining" and even on a good day would offer little resistance to anyone offering food and money.

Lastly, there wasn't even a popular uprising in the suburbs other than some ceremoniously burned tires and dead bodies (which Zairians do with elections and paydays).

If it didn't already look bleak for the Rwandans and Ugandans, the sight of Angolan tanks and aircraft must have scared the bejesus out of those still left wondering where to turn

Most of us tend to think it was ironic that the Rwandans would naively place Kabila into power (much like the US did with Uncle Mobutu) and then, when he no longer wanted to play they could just dust him off. Well, at least their plan included killing him instead of beating him with political rhetoric