I posted a similar question some time ago and -like you - did not get an answer.

I think that it is out of politeness, that nobody on this forum wants to give his opinion about the German army. But what might this opinion be?

Let me give you some examples. Dr. Tony Korn, who works for U. S. state department, wrote in his recent article "From Mars to Minerva":
"Germany‘s subsequent performance in Afghanistan has shown that, for better and for worse, the German Way of War these days involves much beer drinking
(278 liters a year per soldier, to be exact) and very little fighting."
Pretty flattering.

ISAF command used KSK as prison guards, not as a fighting force.

McChrystal choose to publicly humiliate Oberst Klein after the Kundus bombing, as if a German officer was rather answering to the U. S media than to BMVG.

These facts allow a pretty good guess on what US diplomats and soldiers might think about Germany's contribution in Afghanistan, don't you think so?