The title in The Daily Telegraph was: 'Hay Festival 2011: ex-CIA man claims Barack Obama 'doesn't have a clue' and a sub-title 'David Cameron and Barack Obama ''don't have a clue'' about dealing with the war on terror, a former senior member of the CIA has claimed'.

The speaker being Michael Scheuer, a name I expect familiar to many in the USA, although far from that here in the UK; I've seen the name and vaguely recall reading something. The reported speech was very direct:
They can't cope with the fact that it's nothing to do with the way we live. It doesn't have anything to do with elections or democracy or liberty.

We are being attacked in the west and we will continue to be attacked in the west as long as we are in Afghanistan, as long as we support the Israelis, as long as we protect the Saudi police state.
Responding to a question:
We are the ones that are arranging the cultural war against them. What we will see as al Qaida evolves is that the next generation is better educated, combat experienced and probably much crueller.
The American relationship with Israel, in my mind, is a useless and unnecessary relationship. As long as we are playing a role we are the recruiting sergeant for the people that are going to kill us.

Leaving aside the controversial comments on US / Western foreign policy in the Middle East I was particularly drawn to the future threat:
...What we will see as al Qaida evolves is that the next generation is better educated, combat experienced and probably much crueller.
Personally I disagree with him on the impact of US foreign policy on the motivation for AQ. It is a simple answer for a complex set of issues.