I have long been intrigued over the role of the public in the early identification of terrorist plots, with post scattered in several threads and hearing a variety of high-level speakers give differing answers, or no answer at all.
Hat tip to an Indian friend who pointed to a US study I'd missed:The cited report awaits reading and I shall return another time, meantime the summary states:research done by North Carolina based Homeland Security Solutions, a private group, proves this. They examined 86 terror attacks between 1999 and 2009. Of this, 18 were carried out, including 9/11; 68 were foiled; 20 each were detected by the public and federal agencies, 13 through advance intelligence and the local police detected 15.The link is:https://www.ihssnc.org/portals/0/Bui...lues_Strom.pdfMore than 80% of foiled terrorist plots were discovered via observations from law enforcement or the general public
In the UK historically there has been very little public information, although of late officialdom cites two examples.
This is a thread in progress.