While this is not the best of statements to make, I have to say, I believe there are a lot of people in uniform that are still looking for a fight. Not sure if it's a "warrior ethos" thing or that many have gotten used to it or that many feel they still need to go out onto the battlefield and prove themselves or re-prove themselves as warfighters and leaders of warfighters.

Based on this thread, not sure if any form of victory is going to be declared or realized for OEF. Still not really sure about Iraq either. If OIF & OEF are going to shut down, where is the next war?

If we don't bring both theaters to a palatable conclusion, we are going to suffer some of the same ills suffered after Vietnam, with a lot of veterans wholly disappointed and left feeling as their deeds were meaningless. If that happens and it's back to garrison 24/7, it's going to get ugly. Discipline problems are going to go sky high, people leaving the service are going to take their combat experience and expertise with them, and the garri-troopers will be left running the show, once again.

Interesting dynamic and I truly hope that whatever we end up with in both these theaters is either victory or the best substitution for it - and that we are not left being lead by garrison leaders, but rather by combat leaders with true visionary skills, not management skills.