Massive car bombings blamed on Sunni insurgents, followed by what looks like a payback rampage by Shia militias mixed with police in Tal Afar. ####, what happened after 3rd ACR left?!

Marauding mobs that included men in police uniforms went on a killing spree in the northern Iraqi city of Tal Afar on Wednesday to avenge a massive car bombing, murdering at least 60 Sunni Muslims in a stark reminder that Iraq's sectarian tensions can explode at any provocation.

A year ago, President Bush hailed the predominantly Shiite Muslim city as a model of peace and a sign that the U.S. military strategy in Iraq was working. But order in the city broke down within hours after two car bombs tore through a busy marketplace Tuesday and left at least 55 people dead.

Police officials in Tal Afar said Shiite militias and men in police uniforms stormed through the streets early Wednesday, pulling residents from their homes and executing them. The killings continued until the morning, when Iraqi military and police forces surrounded the city and imposed a curfew.

Forty-five bodies had been taken to Tal Afar's main hospital by noon, residents said. By evening the death toll was 60, with more bodies lying in the streets.


Tal Afar's mayor, Najim Abdullah al-Jubouri, said he hadn't confirmed that police officers were involved in Wednesday's rampage, which he called a reaction to Tuesday's car bombing. But he said his office had received information that the rampage would result in more car bombings.

"If that happens the city will be totally devastated," he said.