Quote Originally Posted by marct View Post
LOLOL - yup, which is why I am increasingly coming to the opinion that "senor social scientists" should be lodged in Red teaming cells vs. something like the HTS.
HRAF is online now so there really is no excuse not to do some Phase 1 reading. Not that there was before.

Quote Originally Posted by marct View Post
On the research / thinking front, I've been spending a lot of time thinking about how the CF can / should integrate their socio-cultural knowledge gathering and analysis, especially given our withdrawal from a combat role in Afghanistan. It's taken a while, but the picture is slowly coming together.
If you happen to be walking along the roadside when a pair of the CF’s new model snowshoes fall off a truck I might know a potential buyer for them in western Massachusetts. Not that there has been much need for them down this way this winter…