King, you misunderstood my comment. I made no claim about Indians being angels. I just pointed out that the Indian govt is more able to obstruct its citizens-entrepreneurs-crooks than the Chinese govt. No moral superiority was implied (though one may or may not be present).
And why the italics on democratic? By current world standards, India is definitely a democracy. And of course, compared to China, it is clearly far more democratic.
Is this a perception or is it factually correct? If you know what India business men have been up to in Africa... On the other hand, the CCP can enforce good behaviour pretty rapidly if it wants to.

I get that India is perceived to be a better player than China, but is that perception factual. I suspect it could be, we don't know.

Why the italics on democracy? India could be democratic, but there is nothing in real terms that distinguishes China's Africa policy from India's Africa policy. The same scramble for energy resources, farm lands, bad labour practices etc. The major difference is that the Chinese government is more focused, disciplined and coordinated. The Indians aren't but they'd love to be doing every thing the Chinese are doing in Africa because unlike the West they really need Africa's oil and minerals and the Chinese are beating them to the race.