Originally posted by JC,
Because I finally saw Flags of Our Fathers on DVD, it gives me reason to offer up that though the nation was at war in WWII, the folks grew tired then as well, over time.
JC, makes you wonder if we should poll the average guy on what his suspense "might " be prior to taking policy to the next level. I once took part in a discussion about the letters between Jefferson and Madison where the former advocated the value of 1 man 1 vote and the I believe the latter took the position of why the "common" man might not be the best to put policy in the hands of, since he might have more pressing issues

Anybody read what Sen Kerry said yesterday - something to the effect of "the reason nobody wants the job is because the White House strategy has little chance of success" - paraphrased from the early bird - but fairly close. Another example of how politicians will twist reactions, etc to further their personal agendas.