Quote Originally Posted by jcustis View Post
I'm slogging through Imperial Life in the Emerald City, and now I remember her name, and the Garner/Cheney issue. I haven't gotten beyond the point where the stock exchange is being addressed, so I hope to learn more about her involvement.

Great book, especially if you were at the Palace during that time period. I still remember when the stabbing took place in the CPA trailer park! Thought there was a crazed insurgent in our midst for days.

How about this crazy suggestion for "War Czar". I recommend the Commander in Chief, ie The President. Seems like he's in the right spot for the job.

Honestly though, isn't that his role/responsibility? Not that Jimbo wouldn't be a good candidate, but I think the Constitution already picked someone for the job back in 1787 and ratified in 1789!