Quote Originally Posted by Dayuhan View Post

China’s capital flight: to US real estate


It's not just NY or the US, either. Chinese buyers are buying high-end real estate all over the world. That suggests that controls on capital movement are (predictably) ineffective, and that wealthy Chinese are not entirely confident about the domestic future... but we shall see.
There is a pretty good piece about this here in the Economist. The Chinese are still pretty good about the control of capital within the country but the rich and/or well connected are able to find ways around the capital controls. Under the current system, the government needs to severely limit the places that Chinese citizens can put their money, i.e. Chinese banks. The interest rate that these banks pay to their account holders is controlled directly by the state and is below the rate of inflation which means that it is actually negative in real terms. This is, of course, bad for depositors, who have no choice in the matter, but it is great for banks because it gives them a large buffer of cheap capital. This gives them plenty of cheap money to lend to state champions and local governments. It also allows them to weather the storm when the gross inefficiencies of a centrally planned economy come home to roost.