Quote Originally Posted by Bob's World View Post
That is an impressive load of ideologically fused tripe.
Now is that the judgment by an appeasing propagandist for murderous totalitarian police states of some simple observations and points, the evaluation of the spouting of a card carrying fear monger by a rigorous, nuanced thinker well trained in logic and critical thinking or a combination of both?

Quote Originally Posted by Bob's World View Post
Revolutions among populaces where agriculture is the key industry and where land is owned by an elite few tend to respond to a message of land reform wrapped in communism. Revolutions in desert regions where land is moot tend to respond better to religious themes. The challenged establishment always lays blame on the message and the messenger, but the reality is almost always in the codified inequities between the goverened and those who govern, coupled with an absence of trusted, legal and certain means to address those reasonable grievances.

You are so focused on the sizzle that you can't seem to appreciate the steak.
Thank you for the lesson in the etiology of revolutions. I will note it and carefully write it down. Of course, that it doesn't address the points nor the observations I made is not unexpected.

I love steak. I wish I could afford it more often.