Quote Originally Posted by TheCurmudgeon View Post
What if our only objective is to begin a dialog with the rebels, who, if successful, will begin to form a new government? What are our options for initiating contact and providing limited assistance to build good will with them? Or should I just assume that this is already happening.
I think that's probably happening. I don't think it's unreasonable to talk to the armed opposition, the unarmed opposition, even members of Assad's faction who might turn away. Building limes of communications and assessing the individuals concerned isn't intervention. Actively assisting any given faction would have to be considered more carefully.

I don't have any real objection to having CIA work with the Saudis and Qataris to try to keep their arms aid from going to radical Islamists. Of course that effort won't be 100% effective and may not be effective at all, but the arms will flow anyway and it's worth making an effort to keep them from flowing to the worst of the worst.

Quote Originally Posted by TheCurmudgeon View Post
Does it matter if the dead are a result of our (outsiders') action or inaction?
I don't think it's possible to say that outside action caused the deaths, unless someone can present a convincing case for some outside action that could have reduced the death toll.

Quote Originally Posted by Bob's World View Post
The artificial structures of power shaped post-WWI by the Europeans, and post-WWII by the US are being thrown off by populaces across the Middle East.
In some places perhaps, but I don't think you could reasonably classify the regime of an Assad or a Gadaffi as shaped by the Europeans or the US.

Quote Originally Posted by Wyatt View Post
To me it looks like a bar fight. You could stand back and watch, and the black eyes and loose teeth that result could hardly be considered your fault. Or, you jump in for the party without any need to and the fun could quickly turn into bad time.
Of course if you're a police officer with jurisdiction over the area where the bar is located, you have an obligation to intervene. We are not that, and I think it's worth reminding some of that fact. Too often we hear the chorus of "something must be done, where are the Americans", as exemplified by the rather amusing piece on Obama and Russia that JMA linked to earlier. Then of course if The S does a cannonball leap into the $#!thole and predictably spatters the stuff around the vicinity, the same people criticize the US for doing it wrong, without any hint of how it might have been done right. Better to ignore the chorus and act according to our own perception of our own interests.