Quote Originally Posted by TheCurmudgeon View Post
That all depends on who thinks I am wrong now doesn't it.
Mine was a generic statement. Obviously you missed the "1918" as well as the "we" in that statement, applying to the US as an entity. I doubt you were responsible for all the errors since 1961 and I have no clue -- nor do I care -- whether you are wrong or right on this issue.
Fear of what someone else will do with what I write is not going to change my mind about writing it ... it will only change where I decide to send it.
I doubt fear can be instilled on an internet discussion board. I'd certainly never try to do that and you apparently missed the "flawed or perfect" element in comment stating my opinion on the crass stupidity of the Political class -- at whom that comment was directed.

If I intend a comment to be personal, it will be quite clear that was my intent.

Like this:

I suggest you read what's written and avoid interpolating between the lines.

Now back to the thread.


Don't mix the political caution and the military propensity for a lack thereof. My comment was about the US Army, not the United States. US politicians ALWAYS address foreign policy (to include unleashing military forces) through the lens of domestic politics and that grinds rather slowly.