Hi Tequila,

Quote Originally Posted by tequila View Post
All the new Stoddards like Steyn and Buchanan who bemoan the white race's inevitable submersion beneath the swarthy Muslim hordes should really check out the rather low birth rates in most Muslim countries. I'd hate to reassure them --- more fun to watch them sweat --- but their views are just silly, and belong to an earlier age.
At the moment, the latest UN statistics on age distribution show some rather disturbing trends (you can get them here). When you examine the crude birth and death rates to get a general population growth, the highest population growth rates are in Africa (0.7-2.6) and Western Asia (2.1). Some other rates are:
  • North America 1.0
  • Eastern Europe -0.5
  • Northern Europe 0.3
  • Southern Europe 0.4
  • Western Europe 0.2
As far as "ravening hordes" are concerned, sure that image belongs to an earlier age - I ever said it didn't . I would also, however, make three other observations:
  1. radical Islamist ideology also belongs to an "earlier age";
  2. "old" ideologies can be pretty easily updated and spread with modern communications technologies; and
  3. there are always politicians willing to see which way the people are going emotionally, jump in front of them and yell "Follow Me".