Quote Originally Posted by Dayuhan View Post
Has anyone proposed a clear, coherent, realistic strategy to make it work... not just another strategy for suppressing the Taliban, but a strategy for putting together a self-sustaining Afghan state that fits American preferences? If they have, it's a well-kept secret.
Who selected that aim? .... ("putting together a self-sustaining Afghan state")


The military - in this case the US military - have have to attempt to operate in an ever changing strategic environment (like shifting pack ice) due to political, whim, fancy and vacillation.

Why do you keep asking outsiders to do the thinking you elected politicians to do? After four years in office the buck stops with the Obama Administration. Go ask them what the strategy is.

USians elected Bush for a second term, now you put this guy back in the Whitehouse for "four more years". In a democracy you get the government you deserve.