Good to see you're reading this thread - buttering you up like brioche.

In this post, Some Chasms are Too Wide to Bridge - pt 2, I linked to two monographs: Dave Kopel and Barbara Frey, to illustrate the gulf between the positions of Kopel and Frey (UN S.R., etc.). I did not discuss them substantively as they bear on genocide issues in Central Africa.

Discussing "gun control" and "gun possession" in Central Africa in this thread would take it far beyond its reasonable limits (HT to Steve Blair). However, your expertise in this area would be appreciated because both Kopel's and Frey's arguments are of interest to me.

So, if you want to, please take a look at the monographs and get back to me in a PM.

My personal view on the UN position (as applied to the US) is obviously negative. I think Dave (despite all his mastery of 2nd Amendment history here; and his being a Michigan Law grad and a Law Review editor ) is playing Pollyanna with respect to genocide (but, perhaps not).

Thanks in advance.

