M-A, Salut !

Why do we continue to have peace agreements and ceremonies in the DRC when we know that a signature means absolutely nothing ?

Speaking to reporters after the meeting, the Secretary-General said the UN has done its utmost to broker an agreement that can finally break the horrendous cycles of violence. “The onus is now on the signatories to show strong, consistent and sustained leadership.”
Do we really believe that an African leader's signature and word translates into a brokered (and binding) agreement ? Even then, the current leader rarely speaks for the remainder of the clan. Probably why Mobutu resided over 1,000 miles away from Kinshasa - knowing his reign on authority was limited to payday festivities

I'm happy to see that the Intervention Brigade is not reliant on the Congolese Army. I only wonder what their mandate is, as previous versions did not prevent rape, pillage and plunder regardless of UN personnel numbers, helicopters, etc.