Quote Originally Posted by Red Rat View Post
I'll drop a further line in due course.

Blood Steel & Myth: Lavishly illustrated with maps and photographs and provides a day by day, almost hour by hour account of the battles of II SS Panzer Corps. Good statistics with sources and workings demonstrated (important when one considers the conflicting claims as to just who killed what with what at Prochorowrka). Some anecdotes of the soldiers' experiences.

Demolishing the Myth: Not as well illustrated as 'Blood Steel and Myth' and while the mapping is adequate it could be better. The content though is superb, setting the context extremely well and taking pains to explore commanders' backgrounds and experience often down to brigade level well. Perhaps because I am less familiar with the workings of the Soviet Army, but I am finding this book engrossing, hugely educational and very enjoyable.

Added by Moderator: See Post 31 for links to both books.
Thanks for the initial thoughts!

I've got this coming in the mail, which I'll update folks on if anyone's interested. SOG has always been an interest of mine, and this looks to be either good or hugely disappointing...