From US News and World Report's Danger Zone - The Terrorist Tool Kit by David Kaplan.

What does a jihadist take with him to Iraq? That question was recently posted on, one of the myriad radical websites spreading Islamist ideas worldwide. Another user, "Terrorist 11," offered a lengthy response to the budding guerrilla. Key to a successful mission, he is told, are a pocket Koran, night vision goggles, shackles for use in abductions, a GPS system, and a video camera for casing targets.

This intriguing news comes courtesy of the Jamestown Foundation's weekly Terrorism Focus, one of the Bad Guys blog's favorite sources of analysis on radical Islam. In the latest issue, the foundation's Erich Marquardt describes in depth what comprises the terrorist tool kit for Iraq. Terrorist 11 answered by posting a detailed Arabic document from Sheikh Yusuf al-Uyayri, a top al Qaeda strategist killed by Saudi authorities in 2003...