Quote Originally Posted by davidbfpo
Interesting end to the video, as the SRF leave to possibly fight for a Christian village, beyond which lies a regime-held village, their leader makes a clear statement on the place of Christians amongst them. Tolerance, respect and justice.

I wonder how the Jihadist PR machine will cope with such videos.
They can't cope with this; that's why the ISIS eventually left.

But anyway, yes, that's the way even Syrian Salafists I happen to know see their future, not only 'moderate Sunnis' (and is also the reason why I say that it's dumb to consider them for 'Islamist extremists', or describe this war as one between AQ and a laicist regime).

Quote Originally Posted by JMA View Post

The sad thing is that the US really does have competent people (and plenty of them)...
No doubt. But, they are too few and not influential enough (partially because they are considered 'not politically correct').

That aside, keep in mind that 'power corrupts' - already anyone who only thinks about starting to exercise power.


After the fall of Yabroud, Suleimani appears to have rotated his forces (again): Hezbollah and the IRGC/RGD are either withdrawn or given rest, while the NDF - primarily elements of the former 3rd and 11th Armoured Divisions, plus the 156th Missile Brigade - and the SyAAF are sent into pursuit.

There are more reports about the SyAAF bombign Arsal, though also about negotiations related to locals refusing to accept the influx of additional Syrian insurgents and the JAN. Seems they're affraid of even more attacks by the SyAAF - and then also by the Hezbollah. Though, if I'm to ask, the Hezbollah might attack Arsal only if they became keen to launch a new civil war in Lebanon.