Quote Originally Posted by JMA View Post
But the original strategic decision to place themselves in a position of dependency for energy from Russia was clearly an error and damaging to the German ability to act according to - what one would believe is - their conscience.

This decision must rank along with the decision to invade Russia in June 1941.
This only confirms what I already thought of you.

Seriously; the majority of the Crimeans appear to prefer Russia, though likely not anywhere close to 96%.
The referendum was a dumb one; too rushed, no respected foreign observers, thus of little weight internationally.

In general, a right of self-determination exists and clearly favours the Russian case about the Crimea in general, although the de facto invasion was clearly an aggression.
Sadly, UNSC veto right owners and their close friends get away with such behaviour officially. They get to feel the unofficial forms of backlash only later, an then tend to fail to associate it with their previous actions.